Innovative Teaching Method

Innovative Teaching Method


A. Y. 2024-25

Sr. No. Faculty Subject Method
1 Mr. R. C. Patil Transportation Engineering Self  Learning
2 Ms. M. B. Murkute Elective I Construction Management Self Learning


A. Y. 2023-24

Sr. No. Faculty Subject Method
1 Mr. R. C. Patil Transportation Engineering Inquiry Based Learning
2 Ms. M. B. Murkute Elective I Construction Management Self Learning
3 Dr. S.J. Kadbhane Foundation  Engineering Preparation of Bore Log Report using Actual Field Data and IS Code through Mobile


A. Y. 2022-23

Sr. No. Faculty Subject Method
1 Ms. M. B. Murkute Construction Management (Elective I) Self Learning
2 Mr. R. C. Patil Transportation Engineering Inquiry Based Learning
3 Dr. S. J. Kadbhane Geotechnical Engineering Study of Soil Layers on field


A. Y. 2021-22

Sr. No.  Faculty Subject Method
1 Mr. R. C. Patil Survey Student Driven Activity (Model Making)
2 Ms. M. B. Murkute Construction Management (Elective I) Self Learning
3 Mr. R. C. Patil Transportation Engineering Student Driven Activity (Model Making)
4 Dr. S. J. Kadbhane Geotechnical Engineering Model Making


A. Y. 2020-21

Sr. No. Faculty Subject Method
1 Mr. D. N. Nathe Airport and Bridge Engineering Case study of International Airport
2 Mr. M. B. Patil Environmental Engineering-I Report Innovative Teaching Methodology
3 Mr. M. B. Patil Environmental Engineering-II Report Innovative Teaching Methodology
4 Ms. M.B .Murkute 1. Construction Management
2. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
1. Self Learning
 2. Case Study
5 Dr. S. J. Kadbhane Geotechnical Engineering  Experimental results analysis using software
6 Dr. K. T. Patil Advanced Engineering Geology with Rock Mechanics Reflection Through Self Learning
7 Mr. M. B. Patil Environmental Engineering-II Case study presentation
8 Mr. D. N. Nathe Airport and Bridge Engineering Case study on International Airport
9 Ms. M. B. Murkute Construction Management Self Learning
10 Mrs. M. C. Aher Building Technology and Architectural Planning Case study on Green Building
11 Dr. S.J. Kadbhane Geotechnical Engineering Experimental results analysis using software
12 Dr. M. P. Kadam Mechanics of Structure Model Making and Presentation
13 Ms. M. B. Murkute Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering Case Study
14 Mr. M. B. Patil Environmental Engineering-I Case Study
15 Mr. R. C. Patil Project Management and Engineering Economics Inquiry Based Learning
16 Dr. M. P. Kadam Structural Design-II Model making and presentation
17 Mr. D. N. Nathe Airport and Bridge Engineering Case study of International Airport