Innovative Teaching Methods

Innovative Teaching Methods


    • YouTube channel

Sr. no Name of Staff Link
1 Dr. B. J. Parvat
2 Dr. A. R. Kulkarni
3 Mr. Y. P.  Patil
4  Dr. Ashwini K. Patil,
5 Prof. Pandit Santosh Raosaheb
6 Mr. Satish D. Nikam
7 Mr. Vikas A. Ahirrao
8 Mr. Santosh Lukare
9  Ms. Sujata Tidame


  • Google Classroom

Sr. No. Name of the subject Name of Staff Staff Email
1.  Industrial Drives Dr. A. K. Patil
2. Digital Signal Processing Mr. S. B. Lukare
3.         Automatic Control System Mr. S. B. Lukare
4.         Biomedical Instrumentation Mr. S. R. Pandit
5. Process Loop Components Mr. S. D. Nikam
6. Instrument and System Design Mr. V. A. Ahirrao


  • Moodle

Sr. No. Name of Subject Name of Staff Link
1. Process Dynamics and Control D. B. J. Parvat
2. Process Instrumentation


  • Website

Sr. No. Name of Staff Website
1. Mr. S. D. Nikam
2. Mr. Y. P. Patil


  • Innovative teaching tools 

Sr. No. Name of the subject Name of Staff Tool
1.         Electronics Instrumentation Dr. A. R. Kulkarni Learning by Demonstration (Pulse Generator)
2.         Sensors and transducers,
Project Engineering and Management
Dr. A. K. Patil Role Play
3. Control System Design Mr. S. B. Lukare Quiz using Plicker
4.  Unit operations and Power Plant Operations Dr. A. K. Patil Laboratory Visit
5.    Electronics Instrumentation Dr. A. R. Kulkarni Learning from online simulation tool (Direct digital synthesis: ADI sim)
6. Linear Integrated Circuits Dr. A. R. Kulkarni Solving GATE problems practically in Laboratory
7.  Process Instrumentation Mr. Y. P. Patil Role Play
8.  Biomedical Instrumentation,
Renewable Energy System
Mr. S. R. Pandit Role Play
9. Control System Component Dr. A. R. Kulkarni Learning from Demonstration of Industrial Solution
10.  Computer Techniques and Applications Dr. A. R. Kulkarni Learning from Industry Experts
11.  Process Dynamics & Control Dr. B. J. Parvat Simulation of Advanced Controller for MIMO process
12.     Project Engineering and Management Dr. A. K. Patil Presentations by students
13.     Control System Design Mr. S. B. Lukare Mentimeter
14.     Electrical measurements and instrumentation Mr. V. A. Ahirrao Working principle of SAR ADC in Microsoft Excel
15.   Control System Design Mr. S. B. Lukare Case Study
16.  Project Engg and Mgmt
Sensors and Transducers
Dr. A. K. Patil Padlet