HOD’s Desk




Dr. Vijay Manohar Birari

Ph. D. (Electronics), M.Tech. (E&TC), B.E. (Electronics)

Head of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering

Email Id: hod.etc@kbtcoe.org



Department of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering Established in 2002 has strong administration, infrastructure and dedicated team of Faculty. Meritorious students get admitted to this programme from all over Maharashtra.

In addition to core electronic subjects, software based subjects are also included in the syllabus which makes this course suitable for core communication and many Computer,IT industries.The Department offers under graduate course- B.E. (Electronics and Telecommunication. The department caters to the ever increasing needs of technical brilliance in all allied areas of electronics engineering such as Embedded system, Wireless Communication, PLC and Automation, VLSI. There are around 10 well equipped and sufficiently staffed laboratories equipment such as Spectrum analyzer, Digital storage oscilloscopes, High frequency counter, Antenna trainer kit, VLSI trainer kits, Communication trainer Kits, Vector Network Analyzer, Precision Digital Multimeter, Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, True RMS Meter,Microwave, Satellite Communication Kits etc.