Innovative Teaching Method

Department of Information Technology

Innovative Teaching  Method

  Sr. No Staff Name Innovative Method
1 Mrs. R. R. Tajanpure 1. Project Test Cases writing
2.Scratch to Model
2 Ms. T. S. Pawar 1. Evidence Based Learning
2. Creative Problem Solving
3 Mrs. B. A. Ahire 1. Think Pair Share method
2. Collaborative Problem Solving
4 Mr. D. A. Birari 1. Group Discussion
5 Ms. N. R. Kakad 1. Presentation
2. Presentation
3. Laboratory Based Concept Learning
6 Dr. V.R. Sonawane 1. Literature Review
2. Case Study
3. Think Pair Share
7 Ms. J. R. Suryavanshi 1. Build & Simulate
8  D. R. Gatne 1. J-Flap Tool


Innovative Teaching Method : Click Here

Staff website

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Website
1 Dr.S.A.Talekar Website-
2 Dr. V.R. Sonawane Website–
3 Dr. R. R. Tajanpure Website-
4 Dr. J .R. Suryavanshi Website-
5 Dr. S. P. Jadhav Website-
6 Ms. D. R. Gatne Website-
7 Ms.T.S.Pawar WEbsite-
8 Mr. Nitin S. Ujgare Website-
9 Mrs. B. A. Ahire Website-
10 Mr. Dhiraj A. Birari Website:
11 Ms. Ankita P. Shinde Website-