Grievance Redressal Policy 


1. Preamble

As per the provision of AICTE  (regulation for establishment of mechanism for grievance redressal committee for all the AICTE approved technical institutions) vide No. 37-3/Legal/2012 dated 25/05/2012, to ensure transparency in providing fair, impartial and consistent mechanism for redressal of varied issues faced by the students, faculties and non-teaching staff members. The grievance redressal policy shall be in consonance with the AICTE regulations 2012, the provisions of which shall have an overriding effect in case of any ambiguity or conflict, at any point of time.


2. Definition

“Grievances or complaint” includes any communication that expresses dissatisfaction, in respect of the conduct or any act of omission or commission or deficiency of service and in the nature of seeking a remedial action. The grievances may broadly consist of the following complaints of the students, faculties and non-teaching staff.

  • Academic
  • Non Academic
  • Grievances related to assessment
  • Grievance related to victimization
  • Grievance related to charging of fees
  • Grievances regarding conduct of examination
  • Harassment by colleague, students or the teachers etc.
  • Harassment of women at workplace
  • Harassment of SC/ST students, faculty or non-teaching staff.
  • Grievance regarding resources required
  • Grievances regarding establishment section, library and other sections of institute


3. Objectives

The purpose of this policy is to set forth the procedures to be followed in receiving, handling and responding to any grievance against individual/department/institute in respect of the services offered by it. To address the complaint/grievance the committee shall inculcate the law of natural justice at all levels and hear the complaint and concerned the person as well. The students and staff (Teaching/Non-Teaching) are the main stakeholders in any situation imparting education thus it’s our best endeavor to make all efforts to ensure transparency in all the activities at different stages. Considering this motivation, the institute has decided to provide mechanism for redressal of grievances.

The following are broad objectives for handling the grievances:

  • To provide fair and equal treatment to all grievances without bias at all times
  • To ensure that all issues raised by any stake holder are dealt with courtesy and resolved in stipulated timelines
  • To develop an adequate and timely organizational framework, to promptly address and resolve grievances fairly and equitably
  • To provide enhanced level of stake holder’s satisfaction
  • To provide easy accessibility to all the grievances for an immediate grievance redressal
  • To put in place a monitoring mechanism to oversee the functioning of the grievance handling policy
  • To be compliant to the provisions of the AICTE grievance regulations 2012, and any guidelines or notification issued by the statutory authority relating to grievances


4. How to raise the grievance

The complainant can raise grievances through the following modes:

Phone Call: Message/Call to contact number specified on institute website to register the complaint.

Email: The complainant may raise the grievance on email id specified on institute website to register the complaint.

Letter: The stake holder can write a letter to the authorities or submit grievance in prescribed format available on institute website under grievance redressal portal to the coordinator of grievance committee given as below in person.

 SN Grievance Cell Coordinator Name Department Email ID
1 Staff Grievance Redressal Mr. N. S. Ujgare
2 Students Grievance Redressal Mr. B. J. Pawar
E & TC
3 Anti-ragging Committee Mr. B. J. Pawar
E & TC
4 SC/ST Grievance Dr. M. P. Kadam
5 Internal Complaints Committee Dr. V. S. Tidake
6 Women’s Grievance Redressal Dr. V. S. Tidake

Website: Stake holder may also raise the grievance to the grievance redressal portal ( The grievance redressal portal is available on the official website of the institute (https.//

AICTE: Complainant may also register the grievance to AICTE centralized support system portal (

5. Maintenance of records of grievance and reporting

Coordinators of concern grievance committee preserve all records pertaining to grievance/complaint received and closure of the grievance. The complaint shall be transferred to the concerned intermediary within three working days; however resolution time shall not exceed 90 days from the date of the receipt of the complaint from the complainant.


6. Closure of grievance

Every grievance shall be disposed of within a period of 90 days of its receipt and a final reply shall be informed to the complainant, containing details of resolution or rejection of the complaint, with reasons thereof recorded in writing.


7. Escalation of grievances

The stake holders whose grievance has not been resolved by the intermediary within ninety days from the date of receipt  or who is not satisfied with the resolution provided by the respective committee shall prefer an appeal to the head of the institution against the concerned intermediary or any other officials.


8. Policy to handle major grievances

  • Major grievance such as problem involving legal matters is referred to the management of the institute. Appropriate action is carried out as per guidance provided by the management.

  • In case grievance involves external agencies, matter is referred to appropriate authorities for further action.


9. Process for Grievance Redressal

The process to resolve the complaints is shown below:

I/We, hereby undertake to constitute the following committees as per AICTE handbook before commencement of the academic session.

a) Establishment of Anti Ragging Committee (As per All India Council for Technical Education notified regulation for prevention and prohibition of ragging in AICTE approved technical institutions vide 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated 01/07/2009).

b) Establishment of Grievance Redressal Committees in the institute and appointment of chairman/coordinator by the institute. (As per All India Council for Technical Education mechanism for grievance redressal) regulations, 2012 F. No. 37-3/Legal/2012 dated 25/05/2012).

c) Establishment of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) (As per section 4 of sexual harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013).

d) Establishment of committee for SC/ST (As per the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes (prevention of atrocities) act, 1989, No. 33 of 1989, dated 11/09/1989).