HOD’s Desk


Dr. Sudarshan J. Kokate


Head of Engineering Science Department

Email ID:  hod.enggsci@kbtcoe.org


The Applied Sciences & Humanities Department was established with the goal of providing future engineers with a strong academic foundation. It focuses on and enables students to analyse and deal with their work situations. The department educates students in major disciplines of science such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Basic Electrical Engineering in order to prepare them for core engineering branches. The department continuous commitment to quality, adaptability, and flexibility are major success elements, and they maintain an incomparable pleasant atmosphere for the development of their young graduates. Chemistry, Physics, BEE Labs are well equipped with the complete set of latest equipment and tools, which caters to the need of the students. The department focuses on developing virtues through programs such as human value and professional ethics, in addition to academic and technical competence.