Staff Roles and Responsibilities
- Prepare and Implement Examination Schedules: Develop examination timetables and ensure their effective implementation.
- Prevent Malpractices: Take necessary measures to prevent malpractices and unethical behavior during examinations.
- Manage Printing and Custody: Arrange for the printing of question papers and answer books, while ensuring their safe custody.
- Conduct Evaluations and Examinations: Ensure the timely conduct of Continuous Concrete Evaluation (CCE) and End Semester Examination (ESE).
- Declare and Publish Results: Facilitate the timely declaration and publication of results, and refer matters to the Examination Committee if needed before announcing results.
- Maintain Confidentiality: Uphold confidentiality and continuously improve the institute’s examination and evaluation processes.
- Decide Examination Modes: Finalize the mode of examination for different courses in consultation with the relevant Faculty, Department, and Academic Council.
- Report to Authorities: Submit examination reports to the Chairman of the Examination Committee and the University.