Grievance Redressal Cell Committee 2021-22

Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)


Sr. No.

Name Of Member


Name of the College/Institution

01 Hon. Dr. S. R. Devane President Principal M. V. P. Samaj’s K. B. G. T. College of Engineering, Gangapur Road, Nashik
02 Hon. Dr. S. Y. Kute University Representative (Member) Professor, Karmveer Kakasaheb Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research Amritdham, Panchvati. Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
03 Hon. Dr. D.D. Lokhande Institution Representative (Member) In-charge Principal, M. V. P. Institute of Applied Arts, Commerce and Science College, Saykheda, Tal. Niphad Dist. Nashik
04 Hon. Dr. N. D. Gaikwad

Faculty  Representative (Member)

IQAC Co-ordinator M. V. P  Samaj’s K. T. H. M. College, Nashik

05 Hon. Dr. S. R. Pachorkar

Faculty  Representative (Member)

M. V. P.  Samaj’s K. B. G. T. College of Engineering, Nashik