Members of IQAC (AY 2023-24 to 2027-28)


Sr. No. Name Institute Designation IQAC Post
 1 Dr. S. R. Devane Principal Chairperson
 2 Dr. D. D. Lokhande Education Officer Member from Management
 3 Dr. V. M. Birari Vice Principal Administrative Officer
 4 Dr. S. P. Awate IQAC Coordinator Coordinator
 5 Ms. S. J. Shinde Registrar Administrative Officer
 6 Dr. S. R. Pachorkar NBA Coordinator and Dean (Faculty) Teacher
 7 Mr. D. D. Kulkarni NAAC Committee Membe Teacher
 8 Dr. A. B. Kakade Dean (Alumni ) Teacher
 9 Dr. A. R. Kulkarni Dean (III Cell) Teacher
 10 Dr. S. B. Sonawane Dean (R & D) Teacher
 11 Dr. U. V. Patil Dean (Academics) Teacher
 12 Mr. B. J. Pawar Dean (Student Affairs) Teacher
 13 Adv. Supriya P. Chumbhale Local Committee Member Nominee from Local Society
 14 Mr. Pravin P.Shelke Alumni Alumni nominee
 15 Ms. Nazia Rauab Ali Khan Student Student nominee
 16 Mr. Dhananjay Pote Manager, Human Capital, Winjit Ltd. Nominee from employer
 17 Dr. M. P. Kadam Department Co-ordinator Civil Engg. Teacher
Mr. M. B. Patil
 18 Dr. V. S. Tidke Department Co-ordinator Computer Engg. Teacher
Ms. R. R. Shewale
 19 Mr. A. P. Meshram Department Co-ordinator E&TC Engg. Teacher
Mr. V. R. Sonawane
 20 Dr. S. M. Bhati Department Co-ordinator Engineering Science Teacher
Mr. D. P. Birar
 21 Dr. S. P. Jadhav Department Co-ordinator  Information Technology Teacher
Ms. T. S. Pawar
 22 Dr. Y. P. Patil Department Co-ordinator Instrumentation and Control Engg. Teacher
Dr. A. K. Patil
 23 Dr. S. P. Mogal Department Co-ordinator Mechanical Engg. Teacher
Mr. V. V. Shinde
 24 Mr. L. C. Sontakke Department Co-ordinator MBA Teacher
Dr. S. V. Bachhav
 25 Mr. M. N. Adke TPO Administrative Officer
 26 Mr. M. H. Chaudhari ERP Coordinator Administrative Officer