Controller’s Desk

Controller’s Desk


The Controller of Examinations (CoE) is appointed by the Director of the institution and is supported by the Deputy Controller of Examinations and other staff to ensure smooth conduct of examinations and prompt publication of results. In the autonomous system, conducting examinations is a vital academic process that assesses students’ performance effectively.

The primary responsibility of the Examination Cell is to organize all examinations in a fair and systematic manner. It is dedicated to fostering an environment where students feel confident and encouraged to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. The Examination Cell is responsible for preparing and displaying examination timetables, coordinating, and conducting examinations as per the schedule.

MVPS’s KBT College of Engineering takes pride in utilizing modern tools and techniques to uphold the highest standards of examination integrity and efficiency.


Dr. S. P. Mogal
Controller of Examinations

Dr. A. P. Shelorkar
Deputy Controller of Examinations