Board of Studies, Applied Sciences & Humanities

Board of Studies, Applied Sciences & Humanities


Sr. No. Name of Member Designation & Institute Committee Designation
1 Dr. S. J. Kokate HOD, Dept. of Applied Sciences & Humanities. KBTCOE Chairman
2 All faculty members of the department Dept. of Applied Sciences & Humanities, KBTCOE Subject Specialization
3 Dr. R. S. Panajkar Director, IQAC MIT World Peace University,
Survey No, 124, Paud Rd, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra 411038
Subject Expert (Engineering Physics)
4 Dr. G. Murali Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sreenidhi University,
Medchal-Malakajgiri District,Telangana state,India
Subject Expert (Engineering Mathematics)
5 Dr. Y. R. Suryawanshi Assistant Professor, Department of  Applied Science and Humanities, Shri Ville Parle
Kelavani Mandal’s College of Engineering Shirpur, Maharashtra, India
Subject Expert (Engineering Chemistry)
6 Dr. Y.M.Borse Professor, Department of  Mathematics , Savitribai Phule Pune University  Pune-411007 VC Nominee
7 Mr. Manas Gajare Director, Founder, AI Leela & Founder, CTOschool Industry Representative
8 Mr. Satwik Gadekar Team Leader, IBM Global Service , Pune Alumni Representative
9 Prof.Krishnan K Professor, Department of Archaelogy and nt AncieHistory
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Expert for Special Courses of the studies
10 Dr. T. C. Patil Head English Language and Literature Teaching, Theater Studies MVP Samaj’s K.T.H.M.
COLLEGE, Nashik (K.R.T. Arts, B.H. Commerce and A.M. Science College.)
Expert for Special Courses of the studies
11 Mr. Hemant P.Patil Physical Director, MVP Samaj’s K.K.Wagh Arts, Science and Commerce College,
Pimpalgaon (Baswant), Nashik.
 Expert for Special Courses of the studies