Use of ICT for learning and Education

Use of ICT for learning and Education

Information and communication technology (ICT) helps the teachers to interact effectively with students. ICT impacts students learning when the teachers are digitally prepared. Use of ICT tools leads to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information. ICT has become integral part of the teaching-learning process, through approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive digital whiteboards, using students own smartphones or other devices for learning during class time, and the “flipped classroom” model where students watch lectures at home and use classroom time for more interactive exercises. It helps to improve teaching skills, develop innovative teaching methods and leading to better understanding level of students. It has been our regular practice to use such tools. This helped us exclusively during COVID-19 pandemic situation. Thus by using such tools for e-learning our teachers delivered blended teaching with teaching pedagogies for effective teaching learning process.

  • Subject learning of students is enhanced by use of different tools like kahoot, mentimeter, edpuzzle etc.
  • For mathematics based subjects; teachers recorded videos in the classroom and shared with the students for creating live classroom scenario.
  • Use of different online material for teaching like NPTEL videos.
  • We did not stopped teaching in this pandemic by taking initiative in making Coursera courses available to students as well as faculty. More than 5000 certificate course completed by our students.
  • Teachers prepared video lectures and communicated to students on moodle, Google classroom, you tube channel. Also recorded classroom sessions are shared with the students.
  • Online classes were conducted through different online meet applications like Google meet, Microsoft team, zoom etc.
  • To adopt continuous education policy, unit based MCQ exams are conducted twice in the semester.
  • Use of smart classroom.
  • Assignments are taken online and assessed the performance of students to keep track of learning of students.

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