The MVP Samaj’s K.B.T. College of Engineering was established in 1999 in the heart of the Nashik city. The college is Permanently Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune and Approved by AICTE, New Delhi. Our institute is NAAC Accredited institute with ‘A’ Grade. The College has well-equipped laboratories, workshop and Hostel facilities. Every department has separate computational facilities along with LAN, Wi-Fi and necessary softwares. At present the college provides four-year courses leading to Bachelor’s Degree of University of Pune in the following disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Civil Engineering, Information Technology along with post graduate courses in MBA and Engineering.
Vision of Institute
To be Internationally accredited, Multidisciplinary, and Multi-collaborative institute working on technology enabled platform fostering innovations and patents through state-of-art academic system designed by highly qualified faculty for the development of common masses at large.
Mission of Institute
To educate and train common masses through undergraduate, post graduate, research programs by inculcating the values for discipline, quality, transparency and foster career and professional development for employment thereby contributing to the development of society.
The institute has constituted a research committee for promotion and monitoring of research and development activities. The composition of the committee is as follows
Sr. No. | Name of Committee Member | Post | Designation |
1 | Dr. S.R.Devane | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Prof. N.B.Desale | Vice Principal | Co-Chairperson |
3 | Dr. S.B.Sonawane | Dean (R&D) | Secretary |
4 | Dr. V.C.Shewale | HOD Mechanical | Member |
5 | Dr. D.V.Medhane | HOD Computer | Member |
6 | Dr. B.J.Parvat | HOD Instrumentation & Control | Member |
7 | Dr. V.M.Birari | HOD E&Tc | Member |
8 | Dr. V.R.Sonawane | HOD IT | Member |
9 | Dr. P.D.Nemade | HOD Civil | Member |
10 | Dr. D.T.Khairnar | HOD MBA | Member |
Objectives of Research Committee
- To create a conducive environment for promotion of Research & Innovation activities in the institute.
- To ensure smooth functioning and effective Management of Research & Innovation activities at the institute.
- To facilitate the process of proposal submissions for availing the funding from different funding agencies.
- To promote research in various departments of the institute.
- To strengthen industry – institute interaction by promoting consultancy, testing and need based research & innovation activities in the institute
From finance point of view, research projects are classified into institute funded projects and sponsored projects. For institute funded projects, Rs. 5 Lakhs is allocated every year for execution of research/innovative projects of the students under the guidance of concerned faculty members. Fund utilization of these projects is performed as per the rules and regulations of institute. Procedure adopted for getting the financial support for sponsored research project is as follows
- Identification of research topic/area
- Preparation of research project proposal
- Selection of funding agency
- Communication of research project proposal
- Review of research project proposal
- Financial sanction of proposal by the funding agency
- Utilization of research grant to satisfy the objectives
- Publication of research work/outcome
- Completion report and correspondence with the funding agency
Research policy with guidelines for execution of sponsored research project in the institute is as follows
- Principal Investigator shall take the sanction from MVP Central Office for expenditure of research fund. A separate book of accounts shall be maintained for each project. Principal Investigator of project shall be responsible for submission of audited statement of accounts to the funding agencies and account section of the Institute.
- In general 10% of the total project cost of the sponsored research projects shall be considered as overhead expenses for the institute. Overhead expenses are meant for the host institute towards the cost for providing infrastructural facilities and general administrative support etc. including benefits to the staff employed in the project.
- In the event, any project utilizes Institute’s manpower and other supporting facilities beyond office hours, the expenses towards the same shall be charged to the respective project. For this purpose, on the recommendations of the PI and HOD, the Principal & Dean (R&D) may approve suitable honorarium for the supporting staff of the institute as per norms approved by the institute from time to time.
- Principal Investigator shall arrange to maintain Procurement-cum-purchase Registers/files and Stock. These shall be verified by Govt. Auditors and representatives of the funding agencies as and when required. All purchase proposals routed through the Principal Investigator, HOD, Dean (R&D) and Principal.
- Accounts for sponsored projects shall be maintained under six broad budget They are: Manpower, Equipment, Consumables, Contingency, Travel, and Overhead expenses. Minor adjustment in approved budget heads may be permitted by the Principal/Dean (R&D)/concerned authority of funding agency.
- All expenditure under six financial heads shall normally be made within the proposed date of completion (PDC) of the project. Extension for the project work may be permitted with the consent of funding agency and need to inform to the Dean (R&D) by the PI.
- TA and DA Rules: The Government of India TA & DA rules will be applicable to the PIs and project employees for all sponsored research/ consultancy projects.
Monitoring and support to the sponsored research and innovative project
Seed money of Rs 5 Lakhs is sanctioned by institute every year for research and innovative projects of students conducted under the guidance of respective faculty member. Call for research and innovative project is floated on institute website and through ERP notice before beginning of the academic year. Shortlisted research and innovative projects beneficial to the college campus (Smart campus projects) are communicated by the department to the Dean (R&D). Dean (R&D) after discussion with Principal finalizes the projects to be funded for academic year. Periodic progress of projects and fund utilization is monitored at department level by project coordinators and project guides. It has been informed to Dean (R&D) in the meetings and necessary corrective actions. Demonstration of all sponsored projects by principal Investigator and students is exhibited to the Principal, Dean (R&D), HOD, project coordinator and project guide at the end of academic year. Utilization certificates and statement of expenditure of projects are submitted to the account section through project guide, HOD, Dean (R&D) and principal for financial audit purpose.
Financial benefits to the PIs/CO-PIs and project staff
- Within the framework of a sponsored project, PIs shall be permitted to have consultancy fee/honorarium, if the sponsor so approves. The consultancy fee / honorarium thus received shall be shared between the PIs and the Institute in the ratio approved by the Institute.
- PIs shall be allowed to work full time during the vacation in the projects and get suitable honorarium as approved by the Institute (in lieu of vacation) for such period, provided the funds under salary so permits.
- Depending on availability of funds under Travel head and with the approval of the Principal/Dean (R&D), partial grants (TA, DA, and Registration Fee) for presenting papers in National / International Conferences in fields relevant to the project shall be given to PIs / Co-PIs / AIs from the project funds provided such visits are approved by the Institute.
- On recommendations of PIs, contractual project staff and students working in projects may be permitted with approval of the Dean (R&D) to present papers in National Conferences with TA, DA and Registration Fees support provided the funds are available under Travel head of the project.
Admission of research worker to academic programme of the institute
A research worker (JRF/SRF) working on sponsored scheme / project of the Institute is eligible to register for the M.E./M.Tech. and Ph.D. programmes of the Institute subject to his /her satisfying the admission qualification requirements of sponsored candidates from the Industries/R&D Organizations/University. The same selection procedure as applicable to the Industry and R&D Organization sponsored candidates shall also be followed for research workers.
Institute support to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Institute provides awareness to the faculty members and students regarding IPR (Patents, trademarks, copyrights etc). Guidance and support required for filing of Patents, trademarks, copyrights etc are provided by R&D cell and III cell of the Institute. Institute act as “Applicant” and concerned faculty member (s)/student (s) shall act as “Inventor” while filing patent, trademarks, copyrights etc. Fees for filling, examination and granting of Patents, trademarks, copyrights etc shall be shared in 50:50% in “Applicant” and “Inventor” and benefits obtained after commercialization shall also be distributed in 50:50% in “Applicant” and “Inventor”. Government fees required for filling, examination and granting of Patents, trademarks, copyrights etc are reimbursed to the inventor from external funded research project grant.