Library Policy
1. Preface
Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj is one of the most prestigious centers of learning in the State of Maharashtra. It has been over 107 years that it has stood the test of time to become legend of unparalleled stature. History says that the credit for the birth of M.V.P. Samaj goes to the young, enthusiastic and devoted team of social workers and educationists who were inspired by the lives of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Savitribai Phule and Rajashri ShahuMaharaj of Kolhapur. It manages 477 educational institutes and it is one of the premier organization in the jurisdiction of Savitribai Phule Pune University. At present total strength of student is around two lakh. History says that the credit for the birth of M. V. P. Samaj goes to the young, enthusiastic and devoted team of social workers and educationists, Karmaveer Raosaheb Thorat, Bhausaheb Hire, Kakasaheb Wagh, Annasaheb Murkute & Ganpat Dada More who laid the foundation of the Samaj. Adv. B. G. Thakare, Adv. Vitthalrao Hande & Dr. Vasantrao Pawar are major contributor of Samaj. They were the devotees who envisioned a culture and knowledge centric society. The motto of the Samaj is “Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay”, for the wellbeing and happiness of the masses to kindle the social cause.
2. KBTCOE Central Library
The Central Library has excellent infrastructure and participates actively in the educational mission of the college through collection and dissemination of information to meet the curricular and vocational needs of the students, faculty and staff. Central Library system supports the teaching-learning and research activities conducted in the Institution.It is well equipped with books of all discipline having more than 13106 Titles and 39844 text and reference books. It is also subscribed with international renowned databases like IEEE-ASPP, ASCE, ASME, Springer, ELSEVIER, J-Gate, DELNET, Knimbus.-Digital Library E-Platform.
All its operations are computerized using ERP software and provide access to the collection through OPAC. Library follows an open access system that allows users direct access to the library collection. Library implemented barcode technology for circulation. Knimbus e-Library platform for the repository and digital library is also available.
3. Library Objectives:
- Provide comprehensive access library resources and services for teaching, learning and research activities of the institute.
- Organize and take a part effectively in the institute activities, to encourage the habit of reading and self-learning.
- Establish an IT infrastructure of all library operations and services using ERP software.
- Run orientation sessions, user training and reference service to the faculty members and students in order to create awareness about Central Library and its facilities.
4. Policies of Various Activities of Library
4.1 Procurement of Books: Process and Approvals
- Receiving recommendations forms by HOD, faculty recommends the new edition of the books to be procured for their courses and research. Student/research scholar can also recommend the books for procurement provided their recommendation is endorsed by a faculty member.
- Find out the exact details of the title recommended and duplicate checking.
- Correspond with supplier/vendors for checking availability status.
- The Received list of Book/Print Jr. is put in front of the Library Advisory Committee for necessary action
- Submit the requirement of new book for the approval to higher authority.
- Raise the purchase order after approval to the reputed books sellers, specifying the details like name of the book author etc.
- Receive the books along with bill from the book seller.
- Verify the received books against the purchase order.
- Assign accession number to title in accession register as well as database.
- Classify books as per the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) schedule.
- Bibliographic Details of each book is entered into cataloguing module database according to AACR2 standards.
- Put the stamp of accession number on the backside of the title page, on secret page and on last page.
- Paste spine labels, bar codes on the front page and laminate it with cello tape and paste book pocket.
- Paste the location sticker on spine of books & shelving the books as per classification into the rack.
- Put the remark as verified and accepted on the back of bill and forward the same to accounts section for the payments.
4.2 Terms and condition for Vendors
- All books carry a discount as per the agreed terms
- The order should be acknowledged within 7 days from the receipt date of order.
- If a book is ordered from abroad, Institute should be informed before sourcing it.
- Latest editions are to be supplied and supply only paperback editions unless otherwise mentioned. Indian reprints/editions, if available should be supplied. Consult the library administrators before, if intended to supply hardback editions, if the ordered paperback edition is not available.
- Damaged books, books with missing pages need to be accepted by the suppliers when returned back even after they have been stamped for accessioning
- If the books found damaged or its pages missing, it needs to be accepted by the supplier.
- The maximum time limit for supplying book is 60 days.
- Payment shall be released on delivered of all books as per the purchase order.
- The Bill should contain the suppliers TAN No., PAN No., RTGS/NEFT
- Billing should be made separately for Imported (Foreign) books & Indian books.
- Delivery challan shall be produced at the time of supplying books.
5. Circulation section
Circulation section handles the front desk operations of the library and is very important because it is the first contact point for faculty and users to the library. Major activities of the section are:
- Registration of new members.
- Issue and return of learning resources.
- No due verification.
- Assisting the users for accessing OPAC and library catalogue.
- Maintain of Circulation Module of ERP and regularly updating of all data related to library users.
- Generating reports and statistics for the circulation.
- Sending reminders via SMS at the end of every semester to overdue library collections by users.
- Managing counter operations during weekends/holidays.
- Attending the users query for effective interpretation of library rules and regulations.
5.1 Issue/ Return Procedure
Issue/Return of library materials is the routine operation of any library. The proper sequence of activities for issue and Return of library books is defined as follows:
While Issuing Book:-
- Quickly glance the book for any damage
- Ensure that the user fills the book card with his/her ID & Sign
- Scan the user ID into ERP software
- Scan book barcode in user account into ERP software
- Handover the books to the user
While Returning the Book:-
- Quickly glance the book for any damage.
- Scan the book barcode. Automatically user account displayed on ERP software.
- Receive the book
- Put Return date on book card.
- Books are sent to stack for shelving
5.2 Borrowing entitlements for faculty/students/Admin:
All the students, faculty members and employees of the institute are entitled to the membership of the library. The number of books permitted and the duration for borrowing books varies according to the category of members as follows
Sr. No. | Description | No. of Books | Duration Period |
1 | Teaching Staff | 10 | One Semester |
2 | Non-Teaching Staff | 05 | Three Month |
3 | UG Student | 03 | Fifteen Days |
4 | PG Student | 05 | Fifteen Days |
6. External Membership
Central Library Facility for External
Membership Category | Eligibility | Monthly Payments in Rs. | Security Deposit (Refundable) |
External Membership | Industries, Corporate Houses & Alumni | 500.00 | 1000.00 |
7. Library Facilities
7.1 Photocopy Services:
The Central Library Provides Xerox Facility to the Faculty & students of the institute.
7.2 Book –Bank Facility for SC/ST Students
Books Purchased under Samaj Kalyan funds are made available for issue for period of one semester to the students belonging to SC/ST category.
7.3 Collection of general reading books
Central library has good collection of general reading books in Marathi and English languages, competitive examination books etc.
7.4 News Item Display
Central library also displays faculty publications, forthcoming conference and other Indian & International events.
7.5 Book Circulation Facilities
Book Circulation facility is available between 9.30 a.m. to 09.00 p. m.
7.6 Reading Room Facility
Reading room is provided for the Students during 9.30 a.m. to 09.00 p. m. The timing of the library extended till 12 o’clock at night as per the demand of the students & 15 days prior to each university exam reading room remains open on all Sundays and Holidays.
7.7 Digital Library Facility
The digital library is used for accessing the electronic resources subscribed by the library. It is enabled with computing facility with wired network as well as Wi-Fi. A separate digital library section has been constituted for the simultaneous access to print and e-resources.
7.8 Knimbus Facility
The Central Library has subscribed to the Digital Library platform of Knimbus and provides an online platform for scholarly communication providing access to cutting edge scholarly content to the students, faculties and researchers.
7.9 National Digital Library of India
NDL India is a virtual repository of learning resources which is not just a repository with search/browse facilities but provides a host of services for the learner community.
7.10 KBTCOE Digital Library platform
It is accessible within the campus and out of the campus which is openly accessible 24X7 over the intranet and internet. Note: students and faculties can directly access the available E-resources at
7.11 Institutional Repository:
The Central Library has developed institutional repository of D-Space and provide access to News Papers Clippings, KBTCOE Faculty Video Lectures, and University Question Papers etc. from anytime and anywhere using link.
7.12 Locker Facility:
The Central Library provides locker facilities for students on weekly rotation with first come first serve basis to keep their study materials only. We have informed to students not to keep any valuable items like mobiles, money purse and precious jewelries etc., in this locker.
8 Stock Verification and Procedure to write off Books
Physical verification of the library stocks has to be carried out to identify the losses, identifying misplaced and/or mutilated documents that need repair, or to write-out from the library collection.
The stock verification is to be carried out under the guidance of Librarian.
8.1 Procedure for Book Withdrawal
- 1. List the material not found during stock verifications.
- Library staff to make all possible efforts to locate the material not found during stock verification (the process can go up to six months but not as an exclusive task).
- Prepare pre-final list of the material not found and publicize.
- Compile a final list of material not found.
- Compare with the list of earlier stock verification to identify common entries.
- Compare losses with borrowing/ consulting / photocopying statistics.
- Put up the list of common entries to the Principal along with justification for the losses (open access, limited staff, inadequate security system, the large number of students visiting the library, losses within permissible limits, etc.)
- Obtain approval from the Library Advisory Committee & Principal.
- Make necessary entries in the accession register, write-out register.
- Remove records from databases
- Improve the system with additional precautionary measures.
9. General Rules & Regulations
- Books will be issued between 9.30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
- Every student must produce his/her Identity card while borrowing books.
- Only three books will be issued for a period of 15 days for UG & 5 books for PG.
- Book bank facility is available for the students belonging to SC/ST category.
- If a book is not returned to the library when due, the borrower will be fined Rs. 1/- per day for first 15 days and Rs. 5/- per day.
- While borrowing book, every student must check the book missing pages, if any damages to the book, notify the librarian.
- Do not mark or fold any pages of the library-Book.
- Handle the books carefully while browsing/consulting them.
- Periodicals, seminar reports, reference books will not be issued.
- Students are not allowed to carry any luggage in the library.
- Students will not be allowed to take personal printed material inside the library.
- Do not change the place of books.
- The librarian can recall any book at any time.
- All books should be returned before the end of academic year.
- In case the book is damaged or lost by the borrower, he/she is required to replace such damaged or lost book by new
- Browsing of illegal sites and chatting is strictly prohibited.
- At a time, only one student can use the computer.
- No disruptive behavior is allowed.
- Keep the chairs/lab equipment/components in proper place.
- No illegal copying of ANY materials.
- Keep sound level to a minimum.
- Switch off all power supplies before leaving the lab.
- Internet facility is strictly for educational purpose only.
- Do not modify any software or files.
- DO NOT leave your personal belongings in the library. The college is not responsible for belonging left in the library.
- The study room will remain open from 9.30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
- Every student must always carry his/her identity card and produce the same when asked.
- Strict silence should be observed in the library study room.
- Eatables are not allowed in the library study room.
- Discussion/group discussion is not allowed.
- Please keep your cell phones on vibrating mode in the reading room.
12. User Services
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Sunday & Holidays: Open during exam period.