Learning, Empowerment and Academic Development (LEAD) Mentorship Programme
Learning, Empowerment and Academic Development (LEAD) Mentorship Programme :
LEAD Programme has introduced a mentoring function to enhance the practical experience component of Learning. Mentoring Programme is designed to help Mentee gain high quality, relevant practical experience. A set of questions in different phases are provided to Mentors . The NDMVPs KBT COE considers it vital that Faculty members are involved in training, or monitoring the training and Guiding Students. Mentors are best placed to verify that a Mentee has gained practical experience suitable for the Academic and profession Development.
1.0 What is Mentoring?
The most frequently quoted definitions of a mentor revolve around ‘a trusted colleague’, ‘a person to look up to’ or ‘a critical friend’. At NDMVPs KBT COE we define mentoring as an informal and supportive relationship whereby a Faculty member of the NDMVPs KBT COE undertakes to help a Student Member learn the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for the Student to be admitted to the Engineering Profession and to get the best out the training programme which the Student has elected to undergo.
1.1 What are the Benefits of the Mentoring Process?
1.1.1 For Mentee :
- Improves self-confidence
- Offers professional and Academic development
- Provides advice and information
- Encourages reflection on practice
- Provides personal support
1.1.2 For Mentors :
- Refreshes own view of the profession
- Encourages self-reflection
- Develops professional relationships
- Enhances peer recognition
1.1.3 For the Institute :
- Enables meet its Objective of All round development of its students.
- Enhances Students’ performance
- Encourages commitment to the Institute
2.0 The Objectives of Mentoring:
The Objective of the Mentoring process is to provide the Mentee to associate with an experienced professional from his chosen profession who will guide him in his learning process so as to make the best of use facilities and resources available to the Mentee in the Institution.
2.1 The Mentor’s Responsibilities
As a mentor, your role is to add value to the Mentee during the period of practical experience by sharing and imparting your knowledge, wisdom and experience, and reporting on the Mentee’s attainment of practical experience in accordance with the Institute’s requirements.
2.1.1 Act as a guide, coach and role model for the trainee :
You will be responsible for acting as a role model for the trainee, exhibiting a high level of professionalism at all times. You will also be expected to guide and coach the Mentee through any difficult or challenging situations she/he may face.
In general terms, a mentor should be able to :
- Listen actively to another’s views
- Ask open questions
- Make suggestions but avoid being prescriptive
- Summarise the main points of a discussion
- Give constructive, positive and precise feedback
2.1.2 Interact periodically with the Mentee to review experience gained and set objectives for the next period :
One of your primary roles as a mentor is to review and verify the experience the Mentee gains, in line with the Institute requirements. You should interact with the Mentee at least Once in a Month (Department may decide the Frequency of Meeting if they think more meetings require between Mentor and Mentee) to review the experience gained. At these interactions you should set objectives for the next period to ensure that the trainee’s experience is in line with the Institute’s practical experience requirements for his all round development.
2.2 The Mentor – Mentee Relationship :
A relationship must develop for effective mentoring to take place.
- Spend time getting to know your Mentee
- Let your Mentee know that teachers also make mistakes
- Constructively criticize
3.0 Some Do’s and Don’ts for Mentors :
- Take the initiative in the Mentoring Programme. Invite your Mentee to meet you, suggest topics to discuss, ask if you can offer advice.
- Respect your Mentee’s time as much as you respect your own.
- Always ask if you can make a suggestion or offer advice.
- Be explicit with your Mentee that you are only offering suggestions.
- Make only positive or neutral comments about your Mentee to others. Your Mentee must trust that anything he/she says to you will be held in the strictest confidence.
- It is important not to confuse positive communication with a need for unwarranted praise or flattery.
- When criticism is offered, it should be followed by constructive advice for improvement.
Based on these protocols your Mentee should reasonably expect that you be in regular contact, provide career planning advice, keep confidences between the two of you, follow through on commitments, and be caring while giving honest feedback.
A) Mentorship Program for Ist Year Engineering
Phase 1: |
1. Why did you choose MVPS’s KBTCOE? What are your expectations? |
2. Have you had your Induction? How did it go? |
3. Will you please share your Experience about Induction? |
4. What are your interests? Are you thinking of joining various KBTCOE clubs/societies? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 2: |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
2. Which are some of your interests? |
3. Have you attended all of your classes so far? If not, why? |
4. How has your experience compared with your expectations? |
5. Are you making your way to/around campus okay? Are you adjusting yourself to Hostel life okay? |
6. How are you adjusting to your new timetable? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 3: |
1. Have you reviewed your Syllabus? Does anything seem odd? Do you have any questions? |
2. Do you know Course Outcomes? Are you finding anything different or challenging in any of your courses? |
3. Have you picked up your textbooks? Do you visit Library regularly? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 4: |
1. Have you been able to keep up with course work? What assignments do you have coming up? |
2. Have you made a study plan for your upcoming In Sem? What do you do when you take study breaks? |
3. What have you done for fun since we last met? |
4. Where have you been excelling? Where have you been struggling? |
Phase 5: |
1. What are some of the things you have experienced most difficult so far this semester? |
2. What have you enjoyed the most? |
3. Which are the resources you have used or found most helpful? How theory sessions are bringing transformation in you? |
4. Have you found ways to pursue your hobbies at KBTCOE? |
5. Is your sleep schedule healthy? (8 Hours, that too quality sleep: deep sleep!) |
7. What is the last time you did something for fun? Which strategies are you using to de-stress? |
8. What do you find the hardest to accomplish? How can we make it easier? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 6: |
1. What are you most proud of from your experience so far? |
2. Which are your personal and academic goals for the rest of the Semester? |
3. Are you comfortable with the In-Sem being over? |
4. Which classes are you enjoying the most? Which classes are you struggling to enjoy? |
5. What is your biggest challenge right now? |
B) Mentorship Program for IInd Year Engineering
Phase 1 : |
1.Initial Discussion based on Admission and other challenges ( Inform him/her about University Schemes like Earn and Learn, Time Table, Importance of Attendance, Academic Calendar , Syllabus, Scholarship, Anti Ragging) |
2. Discussion is based on choosing the Branch and his/her Intent of selection. |
3. Discussion is based on his/her ifs and buts about Branch selection. |
4. Discussion is based on his/her Interest, Passion, Hobbies and Guide him/her about participating Extra Curricular activities conducted from Institute |
5. Discussion is based on exciting him/her about Various Opportunities of Branch. |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 2 : |
1. Have you faced any difficulties in previous semester? Let me know if you require any help. |
2. Are you a Sportsman? Do you need any help from Sports Department? |
3. Discuss With Mentee about his Fitness, Quality of Sleep, Stress Level .( It is expected to guide him/her about Exercise ,yoga and Meditation) |
4. Discuss with Mentee about Social Media Addiction if any. ( It is expected to check his Engagement time about Gaming , Tik tok ,Instagram and make him/her realize that this is a Distraction for his Career ) |
5. Discussion on First Year Exam Result. ( Analyze his result and Guide him/her accordingly) |
6. Have you made a study plan? What do you do when you take study breaks? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 3 : |
1. Discussion is based on Values, Ethics Mentee practices every day. |
2. Discussion is based on E learning Resources and encourages him/her to take a MOOcs Courses. ( Give Mentee Brief Information about Sway am ,Coursera, Edx platform ) |
3. Discussion is based on giving Mentee understanding of Course Outcome and Program Outcome. |
4. Do you share /discuss the problems you face, with your parents? |
5. How many close friends you have? Do you share your problems with them? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 4 : |
1. Discuss with Mentee about weekly schedule. (It is expected that Mentor encourage and help Mentee to prepare it.) |
2. Discussion is based on Academic Subjects and its challenges (Attention must be given to those who enroll after Diploma) |
3. Discussion is based on how they stretch themselves Physically and Mentally. |
4. Discussion is based on Anger, Patience, Envy and how it affects them |
5. Have you been any Motivational Movies, Nature-Outing Recently? What is your Experience? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 5 : |
1. Discussion is based on Extra Reading. ( Encourage him/her for Reading by giving some of the Book Names like Who moved my Cheese ,The Monk who sold his Ferrari , Alchemist , Poor dad –Rich Dad ,Books related to Personality Development ,Bio mimics ) |
2. Discussion is based on Some Informatics platforms like Ted Talk, Your story, Josh talk Ink Talk and encourage Mentee to Install apps of this Platform. |
3. Are you aware about Various Online Tools developed by Various Companies / Groups / Institutes / Communities for Subjects? |
4. Discussion is based on Various skills explored at the time of performing Laboratory Experiments. |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 6 : |
1. Discussion is based on his/her competency of Creating Problem statement in research context. (Encourage him/her for reading Research journals, Participation in Paper Publication, Competition Like Avishkar. |
2. Discussion about Internship and its Importance. |
3. Discussion must be based upon written Communication skill and make them realize about Project Report Writing. |
4. Discussion on diagnostic Skills which leads to Mentee Disassembly/Assembly Experience in the Laboratory /Workshop. |
C) Mentorship Program for IIIrd Year Engineering
Phase 1 |
1. Initial Discussion based on Admission and other challenges (Inform him/her about University Schemes like Earn and Learn, Time Table, Importance of Attendance, Academic Calendar, Syllabus, Scholarships, Anti Ragging ) |
2. List the professional skills you acquired in previous semesters & what your plans are for current year? |
3.Have you faced any difficulties in previous semester? Let me know if you require any help. |
4.What have you learned in Outcome Based Learning in previous semesters? According to you which POs and PSOs are explored in last semester? |
5. Are you aware of National Service Scheme? Are you interested to participate? |
6.Which E learning course this Semester you have enrolled? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 2 |
1.Discuss with Mentee about weekly schedule. (It is expected that Mentor encourage and help Mentee to prepare it.) |
2.Evaluate the Mentee on the basis of Results, If Students is a weak /slow learner then guide him/her to attend Make up Classes. |
3.Discuss With Mentee about his Fitness, Quality of Sleep, Stress Level. ( It is expected to guide him/her about Exercise, Yoga and Meditation) |
4.Discuss with Mentee about Social Media Addiction. ( It is expected to check his Engagement time about Gaming , Tik tok ,Instagram and make him/her realize that this is a Distraction for his Career ) |
5.Do you suggest any workshop / training to be conducted during current semester? |
6.What is your take away from extra-curricular activities? (Dept. & student Association) (Council) |
7.Have you attended all Expert Talks organized in Department? (Please check his level of Interest and Suggestions related to Expert talk ) |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 3 |
1.Discussion is based on his/her planning for internship training, Mini Project, Seminar? (It is expected to Guide Mentee regarding Topics of Mini Project /Seminar. |
2.Have you been at Library for Reading materials for Selection of Topic about Mini project /Seminar ( It is expected to encourage and inform him/her to use different Journals /Magazines and current Trends of Industries which help him/her for selection of Topics ) |
3.Discussion is based on ability and challenges to work on Equipment’s / facilities /Programming. |
4.Discussion is based on Value Added courses. |
5.How often do you collaborate with other fellow students? (Paper Presentation / Project Presentation) |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 4 |
1.What is your plan for future advancement? (E.g. GATE, TOFFEL, GRE)? |
2.Where do you see your strengths & weaknesses and what should you focus on to improve? |
3.Which new skills do you need to move ahead? |
4.Do you know how to prepare Curriculum Vitae (CV)? |
5.Are you connected with any alma mater of KBTCOE for your career Guidance ? ( Mentor must help him/her to connect the Mentee with appropriate Alma mater ) |
6.Does your parents aware of your career choice and how they are helping in that direction. |
7.Discussion is based on various opportunities in your career choice? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 5 |
1. Do you know any networking / professional events? Have you ever participated in anyone? (TechFest , ELICIT) |
2. Discussion is based on Electives Subjects and its correlation with Professional Career. |
3. Discussion is based on Placement / Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship. ( It is expected that Mentor must lower down Mentee confusion related to future planning ) |
4. Discussion is based on Plagiarism, Copyrights, and Citation and motivating mentee to create original work. |
5. Check whether he/she is working on to improve aptitude skill, Communication Skill. |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 6 |
1.Discussion is based on selection of final year project and Building Team? |
2.Check his Interest/Desire on preparing for MPSC, UPSC, IES, or other competitive exam? |
3.Discussion is based on building data of Industries which provide Sponsorship Projects, Internship. |
4. Discussion is based on Current trends of Stream /being aware of skills expected from websites: Naukri dot com / freshersworld dot come / vyoms dot com |
D) Mentorship Program for IVth Year Engineering
Phase 1 |
1. Are you satisfied with last 3 years of your studies? |
2.Share your experience on Internship? Have you learn any new tools /technique in Internship? Have you submitted Internship Feedback? |
3. What is your future career plan? Job/Higher Study/Entrepreneurship/Competitive exams. |
4. Have you finalized your Project? Will you require any help in Identifying Project? How you look towards project activity in long term goal? What is your area of interest for project development? |
5. Do you have any project Ideas which will be Innovative / lead to establish Startup? |
6. Do you have any awareness of IPR ( i.e. Patents, copyrights, trademarks ) |
7. Will you like to take a help of Alumni/ Industries for Validating your Project Idea? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 2 |
1. Which leadership skills were the most difficult to develop? |
2. Will you require any trainings/workshops/seminars to be organized by department which helps/Accelerate your Project? |
3. Are you a Member of professional organizations? If not will like to Register like (IEEE,ASME,SIAM,ISTE,CSI,IETE,ISOI,IET,IEI,ACM,ASMI) |
4. Are you able to understand Semester Subjects properly? Let me know any difficulties in Teaching Learning? |
5.Have you enrolled any certification courses? Have you checked from online Platform any courses which help for your Project? ( NPTEL ,Coursera ,Swayam, Edx ) |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 3 |
1.Are you able to manage your time properly for Academic Planning and Projects? |
2. What efforts are you taking for your future prospects? (Placement ,Entrepreneurship ,Higher Studies ) |
3. Have you Prepare your CV? Do you require any help for Preparation? |
4. Do you require any help in Aptitude test Preparation? Do you think any Short term course will help you for preparation? |
5. Have you read current affaires from library? Are you prepared for Group Discussions? |
6. Have you read Failure Stories so that you can avoid the mistakes/ blunders? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 4 |
1. Who are your inspirations? Who is your role model? |
2. Have you found mentoring system effective? Or how has our mentor-mentee relationship benefitted you? |
3. How do you get along with your team members? |
4. Have you identified your skillsets to be industry ready? (Communication skill, leadership, team work, body language) |
5.What are the obstacles you’re facing during placement drives? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 5 |
1. Are you satisfied with placement assistance? |
2. Have you published any research paper in peer reviewed conference / journal? |
3. Are you able to correlate class room teaching-learning with practical applications? |
4. Is your Project helpful for you to improve your different skills like team work, communication skill, Management skill, Documentation etc? |
1. Did you join a good friend circle? |
Phase 6 |
1. Think back to four years ago. Did you envision/visualize this is where you would have been? |
2. Where you would like to see yourself after five years? |
3. Would you like to be connected with Department in future? |
4. How would you rate your experience as a student of this department? Any suggestions for improvement? |
5. Would you like to confess? |