Board of Studies, Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Sr. No. | Name of Member | Designation & Institute | Role in BOS |
1. | Dr. S. A. Talekar | HOD, Dept. of AI&DS, KBTCOE | Chairman |
2. | All Faculty | Dept. of AI&DS, KBTCOE | Subject Specialization |
3. | Dr. Madhav Chandane | Associate Professor, Dept. Computer Engineering & Information Technology, VJTI, Mumbai |
Subject Expert |
Dr. Sunil Mane | Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, COEP Technological University, Pune |
Subject Expert | |
4. | Dr. Amol Potgantwar | Principal, SITRC, Nashik | Expert, SPPU Representative |
5. | Mr. Sanket Khandare | Senior Vice President, Winjit, Nashik | Industry Representative |
6. | Mr. Yudhishtir Bhole | Senior Associate Vice President | Alumni Representative |
7. | Mr. Pushkar Gaikwad | Founder, Fuzen Code, Nashik | Member, Special Course |