Board of Studies, Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Board of Studies, Artificial Intelligence & Data Science


 Sr. No. Name of Member Designation & Institute Role in BOS
1. Dr. S. A. Talekar HOD, Dept. of AI&DS, KBTCOE Chairman
2. All Faculty Dept. of AI&DS, KBTCOE Subject Specialization
3. Dr. Madhav Chandane Associate Professor, Dept. Computer Engineering &
Information Technology, VJTI, Mumbai
Subject Expert
Dr. Sunil Mane Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
COEP Technological University, Pune
Subject Expert
4. Dr. Amol Potgantwar Principal, SITRC, Nashik Expert, SPPU Representative
5. Mr. Sanket Khandare Senior Vice President, Winjit, Nashik Industry Representative
6. Mr. Yudhishtir Bhole Senior Associate Vice President Alumni Representative
7. Mr. Pushkar Gaikwad Founder, Fuzen Code, Nashik Member, Special Course